Sunday, February 02, 2014

31 Days of Thanks Day 15 Awards Chamber Downtown Business Council

31 Days of Thanks Insight into who has influenced us, our art, and our business throughout the years.

I was truly honored and surprised when I was nominated for and won the "Entrepreneur of the Year" by Betsy Bliss. These awards are given by the New Bern Area Chamber of Commerce and Craven Community College. Wow, this was a big deal for me. I had won awards before for my art work but not for business.

As I stated in a previous post I didn't realize I was born to be self employed until I was and I've excelled at it!! I don't really know where it came from, I guess most of it from my folks and their work ethic. Work hard, do what you say you will do, stay focused and keep moving forward.

About the same time I was awarded an Emerging Artists Grant from the North Carolina Arts Council.

The criteria for the grant
  • Overall excellence of the applicant’s art work and demonstration of exceptional talent
  • The applicant’s serious professional commitment to her/his art form
  • Contribution of the proposed project to the artist’s professional development
  • Feasibility of the proposed project
Not to complain but I have always thought that artists should make their own way. I feel if their work is unique and good enough they should be able to make money by selling it, not by being given money. That being said it was an honor to receive this award. I don't remember how much it was for, maybe $500, but it did give me a boost in my self confidence and made me think I was moving in the right direction with my work.

I got involved in the Chamber of Commerce, specifically the Downtown Business Council. That gave me the opportunity to interact with other businesses in town. And through the years this has been proven to be invaluable.

- Jan Francoeur

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