Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Sarena Mann Flying Papier Mache Ladies

We have featured Sarena Mann's sculpture on this blog before, but we have just gotten in some new beautiful pieces we wanted to share with you.

Sarena talks about her work "Movement, form and texture have been infused into the images I love to create. This body experience has always intreeigued me. Following the movement, using the space, and changing the materials has allowed me to continue to explore the basic issues of my life.

The fun- and spirit-filled flying women have been the mainstay of my work for 35 years. I love the whimsical, colorful, flighty figures that hang anywhere and lighten the load. They move about with intent, freedom and spirit. In the evening they cast shadows and continue their dance. Over the years they have changed; some have retired and some have returned for new adventure. Made from wire, paper, fabric, paste and patience, they each have their own identity and place in the world. These "girls" still make me smile, and challenge me to keep them fresh and reflect the changes we all share.

We have been representing Sarena for ten years and the popularity of her work continues to grow appealing to both young and old.

To see more of her pieces click here!

Jan Francoeur

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