Wednesday, April 23, 2008


This is just a note to say that the bags we package your purchases in at Carolina Creations are either recycled or are made to be used over & over.
The flat bags we use are paper that is from the fabric printing industry. When they're getting ready to print on fabric they use paper first to make sure the registration and color is right, once that all checks out they switch to the cloth. In the old days they just threw that paper away, now they make it into bags.

Our frosted plastic bags are made from recycled milk bottles.

Our black bags are made from scraps left over from a variety of manufacturing companys what they are made of is called "non woven" fabric.

These bags are very sturdy. Sturdy enough that you can use them over and over again. A customer came in today that just returned from spending two years overseas. She said she used Carolina Creations black bags the entire time she was gone to carry her groceries home in from the store.



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