Saturday, September 14, 2013

Elegant Sealife Pottery at Carolina Ceations

Shayne Greco has spent most of his adult life on the southern end of the east coast. His artistic endeavors were supported by his mother and honed by his teachers. “I was encouraged as a youth to express creativity through many diverse mediums. 

From paper mach'e fish while summering on the east coast to pastel drawings of the winter sunrise over the Colorado mountains, I was blessed to be exposed to so many different forms of artistic expression. 

Shayne attended the Savannah College of Art and Design but insists his greatest inspirations were his high school art teachers who let him experiment freely.

"I love combining functionality with sculpture. Whether it be at a dining room table with a group of dinner guests or on a coffee table holding fresh fruit, My art is designed to make a statement. They are conversation starters as well as great salad bowls!"

 Visit Shayne's pottery page on our website for sizes and prices by clicking here!

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