I've really been thinking about town these days, and involved in some of what's going on. The latest thing is the hopefully turning around of the 5 Points or as some would rather call it Uptown area of New Bern which is just south of Downtown.
As I learn more about it I'll post it here. I'm going to get a history lesson and a tour next week.
It behooves all of us to have this area blossom. Many people come that way to get Downtown, especially now with the bridge being out but even when that is back in commission it is important that we help promote this area.
I wondered about the gutted building that is standing there. I understand that it will be restored. What will be in it remains to be seen.
The image I'd really like you to see is a couple photos I saw the other day of a fountain that was located on the point. At the presentation Kathy Adolph talked about the neighborhood being population by Blacks and Lebanese. When I find a photo I'll pass it on.
Here is a blog that is dedicated to this area. Five Points Rising
Jan Francoeur
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