Friday, December 23, 2011

New Bern Souvenirs

When we moved here in 1989 I noticed that there were very few quality New Bern Souvenirs . 99% of them were made in China and most of the shops that were downtown then all had the same ones if they had any at all.

Once we determined we were going to stay in New Bern I made it a mission of mine to change that.

Adding to the dozens of souvenirs I've made through the years, here are my two newest!

The first is letterpress cards, one of Tryon Palace and the other A Slice of New Bern. A plate has been made with my drawing on it then printed by hand by Courtesy Press in Pollocksville on their 1917 Chandler and Price press.

Don't know what letterpress is?

Here's an explanation from Wikipedia -

Letterpress printing is a relief printing of text and images using a press with a "type high bed" press and moveable type, in which a reversed, raised surface is inked and then pressed into a sheet of paper to obtain a positive right-reading image. It was the normal form of printing test from its invention by Johannes Gutenberg in the mid-15th century until the 19th century and remained in wide use for books  until the second half of the 20th century. In addition to the direct impression of inked movable type onto paper or another receptive surface, letterpress is also the direct impression of inked printmaking blocks such as photo-etched zinc "cuts" (plates), linoleum blocks, wood engravings, etc., using such a press.

The cards are printed on beautiful 80# bamboo paper. 4 to a package, 1 design. Click here to purchase.

The second newest souvenir is this little notebook, 5 x 5, with my drawing on it, printed by offset press. Not hand printed like the cards. But a handy size to put in your purse.

Click here.

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