Monday, September 12, 2011

New Bern Ornament 2011

When I design my ornaments, actually any piece of artwork that I do, it's a process. I wish I could say I just sit down and whip it out. But it doesn't work that way.

I've been doing a New Bern Ornament every year for 17 years.

Every year I panic and think there is nothing more to do. Then eventually an idea comes along. Sometimes they work out, and sometimes they don't.

This year, after several sleepless nights I came up with this years design.

It features the Ada Mae which is moored across the street from my home. I can see the mast sticking up above the galley. The other feature I like is the new lily sculpture which is just around the corner from our house.

I'm lucky that I have hundreds of people that collect them. I don't date them because we try to have all of them available.

We have a great place around the corner from us - Etched in Time - that has engraved the date on the back of some of them for us for those that want the date.

The ornament starts as a very rough sketch, this year on the back of a brochure.

I usually redraw it two or three times then come up with the final drawing.

I show what areas I want cut away.

I send the design off to a company in New England that produces it for me.

......and voilà it comes back like this!
They are 2 " x 3 3/4", $ 13.50. You can purchase online by clicking here.

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