We have lots of great local talent in our area and this new musical showcases the work of some of the areas best!
Written by Andrea Owens with help from Leslie Tall Manning, with music and lyrics by Andrea and Phil Owens, FISH is a modern-day fairy tale revolving around a family living in a small American town, a town very similar to New Bern. With the help of a ghostly grandmother, a mysterious gardener, and a rogue dolphin, the Evans family takes a collective journey to find a true, authentic life, perhaps the quintessential perfect life.
Directed by local singer, theatrical director and actor John Van Dyke, FISH is magical realism at its best. With an ensemble cast of fifteen gifted local actors and actresses, a gospel choir and a score of twenty-four songs, the musical incorporates a wide range of styles played by a band of street musicians, located directly on-stage.
It is a story that resonates with optimism and hope; one that will leave the audience uplifted, inspired and humming a happy tune.
The Owens’ new production company, Sweet Time Productions, will raise the curtain on this magical musical at the Scottish Rite Auditorium on Hancock Street in New Bern. Show dates and times are 8:00 pm on February 12, 13, 19, 20, 26 and 27 and 2:00 PM matinees February 13, 14, 20, 21, 27 and 28. Tickets are $18.00 in advance at The Bank of the Arts 317 Middle St. in New Bern (252) 638-2577 and $20.00 at the door on the day of performance.
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