She does fabulous

Susanne collects items from tag sales, antique stores or anywhere she can find treasures to incorporate into her work. Old jewelry, ribbon, cigar bands, silk, old quilts and (my favorite) chenille. She she even handstitches the faces. I have 7 in my personal collection!

Susanne moved to Greensboro from Kansas City where she was a partner in a co-op gallery there. She splits her time between Greensboro and Eureka Springs, Arkansas.
Some of you may have heard this story, it's one of my favorites.
Once day she walked into Carolina Creations and asked if we would be interested in carrying her work. We'd been selling Susanne's work for 2 or 3 years when she said "I finally have a bio ready for you!" I read about her being born in Michigan. I asked where (since I'm originally from Michigan). She said she was born in Dearborn but her folks lived in Adrian. "Really?" I said. "We're from near there. What are their names?" She told me who they were and who her Aunt was. Her Aunt and my grandmother were neighbors for 60 years and of course I knew

Small world, but it gets even smaller.
A few years later she sent an angel with a lot of VFW ribbons on it. Michael's mother was very involved in the VFW so we sent it to her for a gift and proceeded to tell her the story. Then she told us that when she was just out of high school she was the live in baby sitter for Susanne's cousins!
I guess this could be news of the weird number 2!
Visit our website to see more of Susanne's work by clicking here.
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